

Throughout the year the club holds sailing events in the harbour, offshore and from Vetchs beach. All events take a lot of effort to organise and run and the responsibility usually falls on the same people.  The more help we can get the more we can share the responsibility and the more races we can organise.

If you can assist with the following please contact us



Assist with Wednesday night races / Offshore races / Dinghy races / Beach site events or races

Assist as Race officer / Deputy race officer / Time keeper / Rescue boat skipper / Recorder/ Flag puller / Mark layer / Photographer / prize or fund raiser

Do you have experience in any of the above?


If you are a boat owner / skipper

Do you need crew?

Are you willing to take on novices?

Are you willing to take on youth?


For crew / novices / youth (Please indicate your experience level)

Do you need a boat to race on?

Do you want to race Wednesday nights?


Offshore and longer events (For example Inhaca / Vasco / Mauritius races)

Skippers / Crew (A-rated yachts only)

Would you like overnight events such as the “East Coast Experience”, sailing from Saturday afternoon through to Sunday morning, back at the club for breakfast?  (If you havent got an offshore skippers ticket we will find you qualified crew.)

Would you like to do a Man Overboard day in conjunction with the NSRI (pre-lecture from sailing school for those that are a bit rusty)


It’s always good to give back to your sport what you have gained from it.