Boat Slipping & Storage
Boat Yard & Slipway
The Harbour site has a private slipway that can accommodate boats up to 16 tonnes and 43 foot in length.
As a member you have free access to launch your own boat. Trailer parking is provided in demarcated areas on a temporary basis, for permanent trailer parking please refer to the boat storage fees.
Should you require maintenance work to be done on your boat, our boat yard is in the perfect position to have work done as a member you will qualify for member’s rates.
If you would like to do work on your own boat and require a workspace in the yard kindly make arrangements with the club office.
For more information on slipping your boat or maintenance to be done on your boat, contact the club office on 031 301 4787 or email
Boat Storage
The Harbour Site has limited storage space for boats. It is the clubs policy to promote active sailing “Bums on Boats” and therefore only allow the storage of boats that are sailed regularly.
For more information on storing your boat, contact the club office on 031 301 4787 or email